An Old Challenge For A New Year

We’ve all encountered policies, positions, and, yes, even people who appear astoundingly attractive at a glance. 

Maybe it was the lighting or the way in which it was sold. Maybe it was just our frame of mind at the time of first impression. But then we get a closer look. We start to rely less on impressions and more on investigation. 

We follow the information, we look at the numbers, we get under better lighting. 

Then let down. “Good from afar but far from good” as they say. 

If I am being completely transparent, most of my fears revolve around someone having these exact feelings once we have become well acquainted. 

After all, I have spent 30+ years constructing the business card, elevator pitch, Instagram story version of myself. It’s quick and effective giving you all the information I want you to receive at a glance. 

Just like that first wide shot of a film. But the truth is that there is no victory in the first three seconds of a 90 minute movie. 

A business card is only as deep as it is when it’s laying down flat on the floor and I think we would all be skeptical as to the extent of authenticity we can reach in an elevator ride. (Apologies to my self-help/business bro brethren) 

In reality, what we have been called to is connection. And an extreme version of connection at that. Only by this do we see victory in our story.

It can be scary to be seen, but the book tells us that if our all effort goes into hiding it’s hard to enjoy the being saved part. It’s well worn at this point but I love and live by the words of Ephesians chapter 4:


I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

 Ephesians 4:1-2 (CSB)

So while others are setting their resolutions and renovating their personalities in this New Year season, take a moment to consider how well you have been seen  lately. How well have you seen others? And can you be courageous enough  to bear with someone and also allow yourself to bear the less attractive parts of yourself to them. 

Hangarmen, this year will be a year of growth for each of us if we can commit to doing so often. 


On Dogs and Christmas